pictures on the blog entries

I'm looking to customize the look of images within a section. I want to add borders to the images, but since they are being added dynamically as content in blog posts, I can't reference them directly. Can you recommend a way for me to achieve this? Do I need to create a new section/id/div? And how do I instruct the computer to apply specific styles to the images within that created section/id/div?" ? Thanks, D.

Answer №1

It is essential to obtain a reference to the image or the container where the image will be displayed in order to apply CSS styles. By applying CSS rules to the image or container, you can customize the appearance of the image. It's advisable to use class="" when dealing with multiple elements and id="" for single elements.

If you have an image nested within a container like this,

<div class="anotherclass">
     <img src="" />

you can target it in CSS like so:

    your styling goes here.    

Alternatively, if you want to apply styles directly to the image, your HTML should look like this and the CSS remains the same as above.

<img class="anotherclass" src="" />

Answer №2

As new content is dynamically added, styles will automatically be applied to match the content in the DOM without any extra effort required from you. Simply inject the desired content and as long as there are CSS rules that correspond to that content, the browser will take care of the rest.


Upon further consideration, I may have misunderstood your initial question. If the user has complete control over the markup of the blog post, it might be best to use a selector that targets every image within a container wrapping each blog post.

For example, if each blog post is contained within an element with the class post, you could implement a CSS rule like this:

.post img {
   border: 1px solid #000;

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