Align the input labels to the right

In the demonstration below, an example is provided for aligning labels to the right of an input field. Is there a way to ensure that the input field takes up 100% of the width? Additionally, can an input be replaced with a textarea or another div element with varying height?

<!DOCTYPE html5>
div.a {
    flex:1 1;

div.b {
    flex:1 1;

div.form {
    /*display: table;*/
    width: 100%;

div.form div {
    display: table-row;
    width: 100%;

div.form div label {
    display: table-cell;
    text-align: right;
    padding-right: 5px; 

div.form div input {
    width: 100%;
        <div style="display:flex">
            <div class="a">
                <div class="form">

                        <label>askldak  asd ls</label>
                        <label>askldakasda   asdls</label>
            <div class="b">b</div>

Edit 1

Check out this image from the second post

After attempting to implement the provided example, I noticed that the labels did not align correctly as expected.

Answer №1

To accomplish this, utilize the power of flexbox

.form div {
  display: flex
.form div input {
  flex: 1
  <div class="a">
    <div class="form">

        <label>askldak asd ls</label>
        <label>askldakasda asdls</label>
  <div class="b">b</div>

If you desire for all label elements to have equal size, follow these steps:

.form div {
  display: flex
.form div label {
  flex: 1
.form div input {
  flex: 4
  <div class="a">
    <div class="form">
        <label>askldak asd ls</label>
        <label>askldakasda asdls</label>
  <div class="b">b</div>

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