Should we consider using extra url query parameters as a legitimate method to avoid caching or enforce the updating of css/js files?

Is it acceptable to include extra URL query parameters in order to avoid caching or enforce the updating of CSS/JS files?


Or would it be preferable to rename the file/directory instead?


I've heard that this could potentially impact how proxy servers handle the downloading of styles/scripts.

Answer №1

Opting for unique file names enables you to easily track various iterations and modifications within your project.

Answer №2

Consider utilizing distinct version titles. For ongoing updates, consider implementing a build number at the conclusion of each file to guarantee a fresh iteration.

When employing unique file names, remember to alter the file name with each deployment.

Answer №3

server placed in the header

Cache-Control: must-revalidate
Cache-Control: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-store
Cache-Control: no-transform
Cache-Control: public
Cache-Control: private
Cache-Control: proxy-revalidate
Cache-Control: max-age=<seconds>
Cache-Control: s-maxage=<seconds>

for more information on "no-cahe" visit mdn

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