additional dark border streak

When you resize the browser window, you will notice a different layout for iPhone. I am seeing an additional black line below the slider and I'm unsure how to remove it. I have already tried removing the border property but the black line remains. Below is my code snippet:

#slider li div {
border-radius: 4px;
border-top: 1px #fff solid;
background: #F7F9FA;
-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 1px 2px #0D0F11;
-moz-box-shadow: 0px 1px 2px #0D0F11;
box-shadow: 0px 1px 2px #0D0F11;
color: #DDE1E4;
font-size: 12px;
text-align: center;
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff;
color: #A4AEB7;

Answer №1

As you resize the window, the border you notice is a result of the following CSS:

#gallery nav {
border-top:1px solid #3A4146;

To remove this border, simply change the value to 0px or none.

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