The network tab is failing to display the CSS styles being applied to the selectors

Being new to markup languages, I encountered an issue when trying to apply my first CSS file to my index.html. Here is how I included the link tag in the HTML file for the CSS file: index.html code

Upon checking the network tab in developer tools, I noticed that the CSS file was loading but when I tried to view the styles for a specific tag, they were not showing up. I have attached the CSS file and a screenshot of the network tab below: Network tab not displaying the applied CSS

Answer №1

  1. Make sure to confirm that the CSS file has been properly imported in your index.html file (it should be visible in the network tab).

  2. Inspect the elements using developer tools > Elements. Click on the arrow pointer located on the left side of the Elements tab next to the Toggle Device toolbar. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl + Shift + C. Hover over the elements where you have applied your styles.

  3. When hovering over an element, click on it and verify if the styles are being displayed on the right side of the Elements tab in the Styles section of the dev tools. Locate your element and ensure that your defined styles are applied correctly.

  4. If the above steps do not resolve the issue, check within the Styles tab to see if your defined styles are being overridden by any other styles.

Answer №2

    color: red;

It seems that the CSS code provided is incorrect. A corrected version would be:

    color: blue;
    color: red;

This example demonstrates the normal and hover states for the h1 element. Hopefully, this resolves any issues you are experiencing.

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