Customizing the css for a certain category

On my homepage, I display categories with unique labels and icons. Each category is assigned a specific color for its label/icon.

Typically, setting unique colors in HTML is straightforward:

<!-- ngRepeat: category in categories | orderBy:'display_priority' --> 
<a ng-href="explore?category=53" ng-repeat="category in categories | orderBy:
'display_priority'" class="ui random-color item large label ng-binding ng-scope" 
ng-show="hasCategory" href="explore?category=53" style="color:red";>

However, due to regular UI updates that reset the HTML, I am exploring ways to achieve the same results using CSS.

Currently, I can change all category labels to the same color with:

#front-page .ui.label {
color: #XYZ

Is it possible to uniquely change the color of each label through CSS alone?

Answer №1

If you have a limited number of categories, one way to achieve this could be by using CSS3 nth-child pseudo classes:

Alternatively, you can dynamically change the color of category elements using JavaScript by looping through them and updating their style properties.

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