Optimizing Window Width with React.js and CSS

I'm currently in the process of building a responsive website with react. I am utilizing CSS stylesheets for styling and have used @media queries to ensure responsiveness.

However, I've encountered an issue while testing in Chrome where the elements appear larger than expected, almost as if the viewport is being mistaken for a smaller screen (like a tablet). It seems like Chrome is responding incorrectly to the media queries.

This problem only started occurring midway through the development phase, after everything was previously working correctly.

I'm not sure what went wrong or how to resolve this issue. Can someone please provide some guidance?

It's important to note that when viewing the website in Firefox, it displays properly. Also, when using dev tools in Chrome (inspect element - F12) and enabling the 'toggle device toolbar' feature (Ctrl + Shift + M), the dimensions are correct. The problem only arises when using 'regular' Chrome.

Answer №1

To adjust the sizing of elements based on device width, consider using vw (viewWidth) for setting element sizes. Similarly, you can utilize vh to tailor sizes according to device height. Utilize these units for font size adjustments, div element dimensions, and more within media queries to ensure optimal display on mobile devices without the text or elements becoming too small.

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