The skipping of crucial text in tab focus is adversely affecting the accessibility of the website

My appbar contains an image link, a warning indicating the user's current environment, and details about the logged-in user.

While testing accessibility with a screen reader, I noticed that tab focus skips over the user details in favor of a link in the sidebar.

How can I ensure that tab focus lands on the user details correctly?

<AppBar position="fixed" className={classes.appBar}>
            <Box style={{ display: "flex", alignItems: "center" }}>
                <a aria-label="Logo Link to home page" className={classes.prodLink} href="/home">
                    <SVGLOGO className="logo_stack" />
                    <SVGLOGOHORI className="logo" />
                <Typography aria-label="environment warning" className={classes.envFlag} hidden={hidden}>
                    You are on the {process.env.REACT_APP_ENVIRONMENT} environment. Click{" "}
                        aria-label="Link to production environment"
                    </a>{" "}
                    to go to production.
// The user details are here.  Focus on this information is being skipped
                aria-label="Logged in user details"
                <i icon }}></i>
                <Box style={{ marginLeft: "10px" }}>
                    <Typography className={classes.userInfo} aria-label="User name and role">
                        {loggedUser} {userRole}
                    <Typography className={classes.userInfo} aria-label="User's experience">

Answer №2

When you refer to user details, are you talking about completing a form or simply displaying text?

You cannot navigate plain text (such as <p>) using the tab key; instead, you can use arrow keys to scroll through the content. The tab key is typically used for navigating links and buttons.

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