Ways to create a responsive Instagram iframe without using JavaScript

Currently, I am attempting to create a responsive grid featuring Instagram posts. Unfortunately, the padding-bottom hack isn't effective for my particular situation. After some experimentation, I discovered that the height could be calculated by adding 306px to the width.

Here is how I achieved this using jQuery:

let $instagramPosts = $('.instagram-post'),
    width = $instagramPosts.eq(0).width(),
    differenceWH = 306;

$instagramPosts.height(width + differenceWH);

I'm wondering if there is a way to achieve this without using JavaScript, solely relying on CSS?

Answer №1

Considering the unknown initial height, you should explore the usage of css calc(). Let's assume the initial height is represented as x. To perform the calculation, apply the following code:

.instagram-post {
    height: calc(x + 306px);

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