The Beginner's Guide to Mastering Ajax and Grails

As a newcomer to Grails and AJAX, I find myself struggling to understand the concept of AJAX with limited resources online.

My current understanding is that in Grails, if I want to trigger a method in one of my controllers when a specific part of my HTML document loads, I can use something like this:

<div onload="${remoteFunction(action:"foo", update:"foo"...)}" ...>
  1. How does the response from the "foo" function call get returned, and how can I access it in a JavaScript function?
  2. Is it possible to return an object from a custom class in the "foo" action?

Answer №1

When the foo action returns, you have the option to include simple HTML as text or render objects that can be utilized in the view.

Here is all the information regarding the Controller "render"

You can update a div with the data and manipulate it within that "foo" div using JavaScript.

For instance:


// renders text to response
render '<div id="bar" onclick="alert($('bar').val())>some text</div>'


//Makes the call and updates foo
<div onload="${remoteFunction(action:"foo", update:"foo"...)}" ...>
<div id="foo" name="foo"></div>


<div onload="theAjaxJavascriptFunctionThatGrailsWillInject" ...>
<div id="foo" name="foo">
    <div id="bar" onclick="alert($('bar').val())">some text</div>

If you return an object from Controller.grooy, then handle it like this in your View.gsp

//Makes the call and updates foo
<div onload="${remoteFunction(action:"foo", update:"foo"...)}" ...>
<div id="foo" name="foo">

I included a javascript alert but feel free to customize it as needed, there are various ways to approach it.

Hope this explanation is useful :)

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