Modifying an HTML list item to become 'active' in a navigation bar

One way I've been implementing my navbar on each page is by using the following code at the bottom of the page within script tags:


The code for the navbar list looks like this:

<ul id="main-nav" class="nav nav-sidebar">
    <a href="a.html"></a>
    <a href="b.html"></a>
    <a href="c.html"></a>
    <a href="d.html"></a>

I've attempted to make it interactive with the following code, but haven't had much success:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('.nav li').on('click', function (e) {

This code is placed within the same script tag at the bottom of the html page, following the load call.

If you have any suggestions or tips on how to improve this setup, they would be greatly appreciated!


Answer №1

It is recommended to implement delegation

$(document).on('click', ".nav li", function(e) {

Answer №2

Due to the asynchronous nature of Ajax, the content is not available on DOM ready. In order to handle this, you can utilize the on() method to attach a click event listener to an ancestor element that exists in the DOM when it's ready. This ancestor element has the id of "navbar-partial" and is where the new content will be loaded:

// Selecting the element present on DOM-ready:
// Binding the 'click' event that's triggered on elements
// matching the '.nav li' selector:
$('#navbar-partial').on('click', '.nav li', function (e) {

You have the option to bind the event to an element higher up in the DOM tree, but binding to the closest one minimizes the bubbling needed to capture the event.

For more information, check out these references:

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