Guide to applying conditional styling to Material-UI TextField

After creating a custom MUI TextField, I implemented the following styling:

const CustomDisableInput = styled(TextField)(() => ({
    ".MuiInputBase-input.Mui-disabled": {
        WebkitTextFillColor: "#000",
        color: "#000",

    input: {
        "&[type=number]": {
            "-moz-appearance": "textfield",
        "&::-webkit-outer-spin-button": {
            "-webkit-appearance": "none",
            margin: 0,
        "&::-webkit-inner-spin-button": {
            "-webkit-appearance": "none",
            margin: 0,

           backgroundColor: "grey.300",
           borderRadius: "3px",
           paddingX: "3px",
           disableUnderline: true,

Now, my goal is to apply the styling defined in:

sx={{ backgroundColor: "grey.300",borderRadius: "3px",paddingX: "3px"}}

only when the value of isEditMode is set to true.

What I attempted:

       sx={ isEditMode && {
           backgroundColor: "grey.300",
           borderRadius: "3px",
           paddingX: "3px",
           disableUnderline: true,

However, this implementation resulted in an error message:

Type 'false | { backgroundColor: "grey.300"; borderRadius: string; paddingX: string; }' is not assignable to type 'SxProps<Theme> | undefined'.
  Type 'false' is not assignable to type 'SxProps<Theme> | undefined'.  TS2322

Answer №1

       sx={isEditMode ? {
         backgroundColor: "grey.300",
         borderRadius: "3px",
         paddingX: "3px",
       } : {}}


const StyledInput = styled(({ isCustomMode, ...otherProps }) => (
  <TextField {...otherProps} />
))(({ theme, isCustomMode }) => ({
    ".MuiInputBase-input.Mui-disabled": {
        WebkitTextFillColor: "#000",
        color: "#000",

    input: {
        "&[type=number]": {
            "-moz-appearance": "textfield",
        "&::-webkit-outer-spin-button": {
            "-webkit-appearance": "none",
                   margin: 0,
        "&::-webkit-inner-spin-button": {
            "-webkit-appearance": "none",
                    margin: 0,
    ...isCustomMode && {
         backgroundColor: "grey.300",
         borderRadius: "3px",
         paddingX: "3px",

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