Tips for styling buttons in react-admin with custom CSS

I need some help with customizing buttons in react-admin. I am new to the platform and unsure about how to go about changing the button CSS for various actions such as create, edit, and export. Can anyone provide guidance on the best way to customize these buttons?

Currently, the default buttons appear as shown in the image below:

Below is a snippet of my code for reference:

// Custom button styles
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
  userCard: {
    padding: "20px",
    borderRadius: "12px",
  btn_edit: {
    background: "#5E35B1",
    color: "#fff",
    fontSize: "10px",

  mainList: {
    boxShadow: "none !important",
    borderRadius: "0px",
  listCreateIcon: {
    padding: "0px !important",
// User List component
export const UserList = (props) => {
  const classes = useStyles();
  return (
    <Card className={classes.userCard}>
          <TextField source="username" />
          <BooleanField source="enabled" />
          <ReferenceArrayField reference="_roles" source="roles">
              <ChipField source="name" />
          <EditButton className={classes.btn_edit} />

// User Create component
export const UserCreate = (props) => {
  const classes = useStyles();
  return (
    <Create {...props} className={classes.listCreateIcon}>
      <SimpleForm style={{ padding: "0px !important" }}>
        <TextInput source="username" />
        <TextInput type="password" source="password" />
        <ReferenceArrayInput source="roles" reference="_roles" allowEmpty>
          <SelectArrayInput optionText="name" />
        <BooleanInput source="enabled" defaultValue={true} />

// User Edit component
export const UserEdit = (props) => (
  <Edit {...props}>
      <TextField source="username" />
      <ReferenceArrayInput source="roles" reference="_roles">
        <SelectArrayInput optionText="name" />
      <BooleanInput source="enabled" />

Answer №1

This solution is tailored for your needs.

btn_custom: {   
    display: "inline-flex",
    alignItems: "center",
    gridGap: 4,
    backgroundColor: "transparent",
    borderColor: "transparent",
    fontSize: 16, 
    color: "blue" // desired text color
    // for svg icon usage
    svg : {
       width: 16,
       height: 16,
       path: {
           fill : "blue" //color code of the icon 
btn_container: {
    gridGap: "16px",
    alignItems: "Center",

Implementing on Component

<div className={classes.btn_container}>
    <CustomButton className={classes.btn_custom} />
    <CustomButton className={classes.btn_custom} />

Note: If using a font icon, disregard the svg styling.

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