difficulties arise when adjusting font size in html and css

When I first created an all HTML/CSS website, I used clickable images as a menu that scaled perfectly on all monitors and browsers. Now, for my new project, I wanted to use a background image for the menu with hyperlinked text on top. I thought setting the font size in % would make it scale smoothly like everything else did, but it didn't work as expected.

I'm struggling to understand where the percentages for the text size are coming from. Even if I set a 100% font size in a div that is only 2% or 3% of the page's size, the text ends up too large or too small based on different resolutions.

I know how to make elements scalable based on browser window size, but I'm unsure how to adjust text size accordingly. If anyone can provide a solution using just CSS and HTML without involving scripts, I would greatly appreciate it. I prefer to stick to clickable images, percentages, or pixels for the entire design.

Thank you.

Answer №1

font-size operates differently than you might think.

The size specified by font-size is relative to the font size of its parent element.

In CSS, adjusting font sizes based on window width is not supported. However, a solution can be implemented using Javascript.

Answer №2

To address this issue, consider utilizing a flexible and responsive CSS framework. Implement media queries to dynamically adjust the font size based on the browser width, ensuring optimal display across various screen sizes.

Some recommended frameworks include:

- 1140 grid (http://cssgrid.net/)

- Skeleton (http://www.getskeleton.com/)

- A custom framework I am currently developing (https://github.com/gogogarrett/Muscle)

I trust this information proves valuable.

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