Encountering difficulties displaying page numbers when printing multiple multipage reports
Here is the provided HTML Format :
<style type="text/css> body {
counter-reset: report 1 page 0;
td.footer:after {
counter-increment: page;
content: "Page " counter(page)" of Report " counter(report);
.rowLabel3 {
counter-reset: page 0;
counter-increment: report
<thead style="display: table-header-group;">
<th>Report Specific Header Contents which needs to come on every page we are displaying report</th>
<tbody style="display: table-row-group;">
<td>Some Data</td>
(more rows)
<tfoot style="display: table-footer-group;">
<td class="footer">
<div class="rowLabel3" style="page-break-after:always;">*** END OF REPORT ***</div>
... (repeat for additional tables and data)
While implementing Tfoot to appear on each page, it fails to increment the section correctly.
The current approach involves counting the number of rows and adding an extra row after a certain threshold. However, this method is inconsistent across different reports.