Differences between flexible and fixed-width columns in responsive grid layouts

Recently, I've been diving into the world of flexbox and creating my own grid system. Traditionally, when building a grid system using floats, you have to calculate the number of columns per layout and assign percentages for each column's width. However, with flexbox, most tutorials recommend setting flex-direction: row; and flex: 1 for columns to achieve equal size, equal gutter spacing, centering, and placing them all in a single row. On the other hand, after reviewing the flexboxgrid source code on GitHub, it seems they follow the same principles as Bootstrap 3. They utilize a 12-column grid system with fixed widths assigned to columns like col-xs-1 which has a max-width: 8.33%.

Now, I'm curious about the differences between these two approaches and which one is more advantageous. Manually determining the width for each column may be cumbersome, while utilizing the flex grow property can automatically fill the entire viewport with equally sized columns and gutters along the main axis.

Answer №1

In summary

These are not simply techniques to produce the same outcome, they have distinct functionalities.

Flexbox grid utilizes flex-basis for determining the width in a flex container's primary axis. It does not employ flex: 1; on flex items because that would be equivalent to flex: 1 1 0;. This implies that the flex-basis value would be 0, and the sizes of flex items would be based on the specified grow and shrink factor, both having a value of 1.


A col-xs-1 with a flex-basis of 0 set by flex: 1; would expand as if it were a col-xs-12 when it is the sole child element. If there is another identical col-xs-1 as a sibling, then it would expand as if it were a col-xs-6, and so on.

It is expected that each col-xs-1 fills 1/12 (8.33333333%) of the container, which would not be the case when using flex: 1;.

* {
  box-sizing: border-box;
article {
  margin-bottom: 1rem;
[class*="col-"] {
  flex: 0 0 auto; /* flex-grow: 0; flex-shrink: 0; flex-basis: auto; */
.row {
  display: flex;
  margin-right: -.5rem;
  margin-left: -.5rem;
.col-xs-1 {
  padding-right: .5rem;
  padding-left: .5rem;
  flex-basis: 8.33333333%;
.box-row {
  min-height: 1em;
  background: #007FFF;
article:last-of-type .col-xs-1 {
  flex: 1;  /* Same as flex: 1 1 0; */
<article class="row">
  <section class="col-xs-1">
    <div class="box-row"></div>
  <section class="col-xs-1">
    <div class="box-row"></div>

<article class="row">
  <section class="col-xs-1">
    <div class="box-row"></div>
  <section class="col-xs-1">
    <div class="box-row"></div>

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