Switch between various components using multiple buttons in Next.js

I am in the process of creating a component that will display different components depending on which button the user selects.

Here are the available “pages”:


    const navigation = [
      { name: "EOQ", return: "<EOQgraph />" },
      { name: "ROP", href: "<ROPgraph />" },
      { name: "Table", href: "<Table />" },
      { name: "ROC+SS", href: "<ROCSSgraph />" },
      { name: "Table+SS", href: "<TableSS />" },


The function and UseState that should receive the key (not all components are implemented yet) are as follows:


  const [toggle, setToggle] = useState('')

const wantedGraph = (value) => {

    switch (value){
      case  "EOQ":
        return setToggle(<EOQgraph />);
      case  "ROP":
        return setToggle(<ROPgraph />);


And the return statement uses a .map to render all the buttons: `

                {navigation.map((item) => (
           <button type="submit" 
                   className={'btn btn-outline-dark btn-md'} 
                   onClick={() => setToggle(wantedGraph(item.name))}
                  { toggle }


Currently, nothing is displaying within the component.

The page functions correctly and the buttons are present. UseState is functioning properly; however, when a button is clicked, the component does not render.

I would like to mention that I am also utilizing Graph.js with each component located on a separate page and imported accordingly.

Answer №1

The current issue arises from the fact that you are assigning the value of toggle to undefined within the onClick function of your button. This occurs because the wantedGraph function retrieves the value returned by setToggle, which does not return anything, hence resulting in undefined.

To resolve this, you have two options:

const wantedGraph = (value) => {
    switch (value) {
      case "EOQ":
        return <EOQgraph />
      case "ROP":
        return <ROPgraph />

You can either modify the wantedGraph function to return the desired component, as shown above, or adjust the onClick handler to exclude calling setToggle:

return (
      {navigation.map((item) => (
        <button type="submit"
          className={'btn btn-outline-dark btn-md'}
          onClick={() => wantedGraph(item.name)}
      <div style={{ color: 'white' }}>

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