jQuery Issue - Clash between multiple menus sharing the same class

Hey there! I'm currently diving into the world of jQuery and encountering an issue with my menu. Whenever I click on a menu item with either the "tm-nav-vertical" or "tm-nav-horizontal" class, it removes the .active class from the initial menu item. I want to create a code that can be reused for any menu (such as .menu1, .menu2).

I tried using .siblings but couldn't get it to work.

$(function () {
$('.tm-nav-vertical ul li, .tm-nav-horizontal ul li').click(function () {
    if ($(this).hasClass("tm-dropdown-button")) {
        if ($(this).hasClass("active")) {
        } else {
            $('.tm-nav-vertical > ul li.active, .tm-nav-horizontal > ul li.active, .tm-dropdown-button').removeClass('active');
    } else {
        $('.tm-nav-vertical ul li.active, .tm-nav-horizontal ul li.active').removeClass('active');

Answer №1

When using calls like:

$('.tm-nav-vertical ul li.active, .tm-nav-horizontal ul li.active')

You may be selecting elements from anywhere within the document.

A better approach is to locate the parent menu first and then target the specific element(s) you wish to modify. To find the parent menu, you can use jQuery's (or even DOM api's) closest() method by passing the class selector of the menu. This will identify the closest ancestor element that matches the provided selector.

var parentMenu = $(this).closest('.tm-nav-vertical, .tm-nav-horizontal');
parentMenu.find('ul li.active').removeClass('active');

If your menu structure is more intricate (multiple levels, multiple ".active" elements, etc.), you may need to implement a more complex solution than a straightforward find().

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