Update in slide height to make slider responsive

My project involves a list with text and images for each item:

<div class="slider">
      <div class="txt"><p>First slogan</p></div>
      <div class="img"><img src="http://placehold.it/800x180" /></div>      
    <li> ... </li>

It is crucial that the design is responsive, with the ability for the image and text divs to resize based on window size.

Once the window reaches a certain point, the image div should shift below the text div, similar to this CodePen example:


The transition is working smoothly. However, now I want to implement it as a slider.

I am attempting to achieve this using the Cycle2 JQuery plugin found here: Cycle2 Plugin


The issue lies in the height of the slide not adjusting according to the content within.

If anyone has experience in troubleshooting this, your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Miguel

Answer №1

For detailed information, I suggest checking out their documentation here. It provides various options for adjusting the height, such as incorporating

<div class="slider" data-cycle-auto-height="1:1">

I hope this assists you.

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