filtering elements with selectable functionality in jQuery UI

I'm trying to exclude the <div> children from being selected within this list item and only select the entire <li>.

The structure of the HTML is as follows:

<ul id="selectable">
     <div id="1"></div>
     <div id="2"></div>
     <div id="1"></div>
     <div id="2"></div>

The jQuery code I have been using is:

var foo = $('#selectable').selectable({
    filter: " > div"

However, it doesn't seem to be working correctly. Without any filtering, the <div>s inside the list items are getting selected, particularly the <div> with the id=2 that is outside the container. This is causing an issue! Here's a screenshot for better understanding:

Do you see how even the "About" text is being selected? How can I resolve this problem?

Answer №1

Check out this suggestion for your code:

let variable = $('#selectable').selectable({
    filter: " li " // using li instead of div

Answer №2

My requirement was to sort by the element "li" within the selectable options.

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