Target specifically the onhover div element using JQuery and trigger the smooth sliding down effect with the SlideDown() function

Is it possible to create a unique JQuery slidedown() function that will only be applied to the div where the mouse is hovering?

I have managed to make it work by giving each div a separate class, but when I name them all the same, it triggers the slide down effect on all divs instead of just the one being hovered over.

I believe there must be a simpler solution that I am overlooking.

My code can be seen in this FIDDLE


<div class="q1">1. Question (on hover)<br/>
<div class="desc1">Description: Here goes the question one from the php variable</div>
<div class="q2" >2. Question (on hover)  <br/>
<div class="desc2">Description: Here goes the question two from the php variable</div>
<br/></div><div class="q3">3. Question (on hover)<br/><div class="desc3">Description: Here goes the question two from the php variable and so on</div><br/></div>


jQuery(function () {
    for (var i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
        (function (i) {
            jQuery('.desc' + i).hide();
            jQuery('.q' + i).hover(
                function () {
                    jQuery('.desc' + i, this).stop(true, true).delay(300).slideDown(300);
                function () {
                    jQuery('.desc' + i, this).stop(true, true).slideUp(200);            


.desc1,.desc2,.desc3 {
    font-size: 12px;
    font-style: italic;

.q1,.q2,.q3 {

This method works well for a small number of questions, but what if there are many more? My current approach would require creating CSS styling for every single div, which is not practical. There must be a better way to achieve this. Is there a simple solution or perhaps a more complex one?

Answer №1

The Violin:

The Code:


}, function(){

Answer №2

Here is a potential solution that could be helpful for your situation:

*Latest Demo Fiddle

If you are uncertain about the number of questions or if they will be added or removed dynamically, consider delegating events from a common parent element (such as the document). Make sure to use consistent classes for all the questions.

UPDATE - To prevent any confusion, I have revised this code by adding a wrapping element to avoid directly binding to the document. Check it out below:


<div class="question-wrapper">
    <div class="question">1. Question (reveal on hover)<br/>
    <div class="description">Description: This is question one fetched from a PHP variable</div>
    <div class="question">2. Question (reveal on hover)<br/>
    <div class="description">Description: This is question two fetched from a PHP variable</div>
    <div class="question">3. Question (reveal on hover)<br/>
    <div class="description">Description: This is question three and so forth from a PHP variable</div>


$('.question-wrapper').on('mouseenter mouseleave','.question', function(e){
    if (e.type === 'mouseenter'){
        $(this).find('.description').stop(true, true).slideDown();
    else {

Answer №3

If you take a look at your code, you'll notice a parameter called 'this' which will indicate the divs where the mouse cursor is located. This functionality seems to be working well as demonstrated in the example below.

A simple adjustment to your code (such as modifying the CSS class names and jQuery elements) should resolve any issues.

Check out the JSFIDDLE demo here

Here's the HTML:

<div class="q">1. Question (on hover)<br/>
<div class="desc">Description: This is question one taken from a PHP variable</div>
<div class="q">2. Question (on hover)<br/>
<div class="desc">Description: This is question two retrieved from a PHP variable</div>
<div class="q">3. Question (on hover)<br/>
<div class="desc">Description: This represents question three obtained from a PHP variable and so forth</div>

jQuery part:

jQuery(function () {
  for (var i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
    (function (i) {
            function () {
                jQuery('.desc', this).stop(true, true).delay(300).slideDown(300);
            function () {
                jQuery('.desc', this).stop(true, true).slideUp(200);            

CSS styling:

.desc {
    font-size: 12px;
    font-style: italic;

.q {

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