The :focus pseudo-class is failing to target the input element

I'm dealing with a simple input field of type text:

<input matInput type="text" placeholder="{{placeholder}}" class="input-field"
    [ngClass]="{'error': hasErrors}" [readonly]="isReadonly" [disabled]="isDisabled">

To style the readonly state, I've added this css rule using the read-only selector:

.input-field {
    &:read-only {
        border-style: none;

Everything looks fine except for when I click on the placeholder, the focus event adds a border:

To remove that unwanted border on focus, I tried using the :focus selector with border: none, but it didn't work. I attempted:

.input-field {
    &:read-only,:focus {
        border-style: none;


.input-field {
    &:read-only {
        border-style: none;

      &:focus {

However, the border persists. I initially tested this in Chrome and then in Firefox with no success.

Answer №1

Include the following in your concentration:

{ outline-style: none; box-shadow: none; border-color: transparent; }

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