What are some ways to enable text highlighting when it is disabled?

I've encountered an issue with text highlighting in my asp.net web application when using the latest versions of FireFox and Google Chrome. Strangely, pressing CTRL+A also does not work for all input fields. I haven't had the opportunity to test it on older browser versions yet, but everything seems to be working fine in Edge.

Upon further investigation, I noticed that double-clicking on text or trying to highlight by dragging the cursor doesn't work properly. However, copying and pasting the text does seem to select it, even though it's not visually highlighted.

I meticulously examined my CSS for any instances of 'disable-select' but couldn't find anything relevant. Are there any other potential causes that could be behind this issue?

Answer №1

If you are searching for a property, it is not disable-select, but rather user-select. Here are some examples:

-webkit-touch-callout: none; /* iOS Safari */
  -webkit-user-select: none; /* Safari */
   -khtml-user-select: none; /* Konqueror HTML */
     -moz-user-select: none; /* Firefox */
      -ms-user-select: none; /* Internet Explorer/Edge */
          user-select: none;

Another property to consider is ::selection for Chrome and ::-moz-selection for Firefox.

You can also customize the default selection color temporarily for testing purposes:

::selection {
  background: #FF0000;
::-moz-selection {
  background: #FF0000;

Answer №2

After conducting some investigation: I did not come across any instances of user-select: none in my CSS. However, upon inspecting Style.css, I stumbled upon:

::selection {
    text-shadow: none;

I decided to modify it to:

::selection {
    text-shadow: none;
    background: #f7ea54;
    /*or any other color*/

Subsequently, highlighting now functions properly across all browsers! Unfortunately, the reason behind why it was not functioning with the default setting remains a mystery.

Answer №3

At some point, you may encounter issues with your gaming mouse while playing games. Activating autofire or adjusting other mouse functions can result in unexpected behavior. To address this issue, consider the following steps: - Check your mouse for any additional function buttons - Consult the mouse user manual for information on enhancing mouse functions through specific button combinations - Download and install the manufacturer's mouse application, if one is available - Test these settings in the same game environment to revert them back to normal

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