Implementing CSS to achieve striped row styling in a paragraph (not within a table)

Is there a way to achieve alternating row shading within a wrapped paragraph element without using the :nth-child technique? For instance, if we have:

<p style="width:100px;">
row 0 -- hello
row 1 -- world
row 2 -- !!!

Some browsers may automatically create a soft return after "hello" and "world", resulting in all rows looking the same when rendered.

I'm looking to have rows 0 and 2 shaded differently than row 1, similar to how table rows can be styled with tr:nth-child(even) for alternating colored rows. Is there a solution for this scenario, or is there a practical alternative approach using different elements that doesn't involve breaking up the paragraph and inserting it into a table?

Answer №1

Apply a repeating gradient color effect:

p {
  line-height:1.2em; /* height of one line */
  background:repeating-linear-gradient(180deg, red 0 1.2em,grey 0 2.4em);
<p style="width:100px;">
row 0 -- hello
row 1 -- world
row 2 -- !!!
row 3 -- hello
row 4 -- world
and so on

Use another syntax for the same effect:

p {
  line-height:1.2em; /* height of one line */
  background:linear-gradient(180deg, red 50%,grey 0) 0 0/100% 2.4em;
<p style="width:100px;">
row 0 -- hello
row 1 -- world
row 2 -- !!!
row 3 -- hello
row 4 -- world
and so on

Answer №2

Transforming your paragraph into an unordered list using a programmatic JavaScript approach, detecting line break \n symbols.

var pRows = document.getElementById('p-rows');

pRows.innerHTML = pRows.innerHTML
  .replace(/^<\/li>/, '<ul>')
  .replace(/<li>$/, '</ul>')
#p-rows ul {
  list-style: none;
  padding: 0;

#p-rows li:nth-child(odd) {
  background: #ddd;
<p id="p-rows">
row 0 -- hello
row 1 -- world
row 2 -- !!!
row 3 -- ???
row 4 -- ***

Answer №3

It can be quite challenging, but here's a solution that might work:

p {
  background-clip: text;
  background: -webkit-linear-gradient( red, blue, red);
  -webkit-background-clip: text;
  -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
  color: transparent;
<p style="width:100px;">
row 0 -- hello
row 1 -- world
row 2 -- !!!

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