Issue with Font Awesome 5 icons not displaying properly after integrating Bootstrap

Trying to spruce up my buttons by adding some fontawesome icons from bootstrap.

The icons I'm using are:

  • fas fa-user
  • fas fa-users

They display fine without any styling. However, when I apply the bootstrap button css, the "fa-users" icon appears as a square instead of an actual icon. Not quite sure what's causing this issue or how to resolve it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    <em class="fas fa-user"></em>
    <em class="fas fa-user btn btn-sm btn-purple"></em>

    <em class="fas fa-users"></em>
    <em class="fas fa-users btn btn-sm btn-purple"></em>

Answer №1

btn adds a font-weight that may need to be changed back to the default one specified within fas

.fas.btn {
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"  crossorigin="anonymous">
    <em class="fas fa-user"></em>
    <em class="fas fa-user btn btn-sm btn-success"></em>

    <em class="fas fa-users"></em>
    <em class="fas fa-users btn btn-sm btn-success"></em>

Related: Font Awesome 5 on pseudo elements shows square instead of icon

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