Create animations for SVG paths and polygons that move along specified paths

I am trying to animate both a path and a polygon in an SVG arrow along the same path. Currently, I have successfully animated the path using CSS, but I am struggling to figure out how to move the polygon along the path at the same pace.

<svg id="Layer_1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 242.66 397" width="242.66" height="397">
  <path class="cls-1" d="M240.66,2C11.72,114.98-26.67,239.75,19.39,392.85"/>
  <polygon points="0 384.74 2.04 381.29 19 391.37 27.81 373.72 31.39 375.51 20.65 397 0 384.74"/>

I have already applied animation to the path with successful results using the following CSS code:

path {
  stroke: #000000;
  stroke-dasharray: 1000;
  stroke-dashoffset: 1000;
  animation: dash 4s linear forwards;

@keyframes dash {
  to {
    stroke-dashoffset: 0;

However, I have attempted to animate the polygon using the code below, but it is not working as expected:

polygon {
  offset-distance: 0%;
  offset-path: path('M240.66,2C11.72,114.98-26.67,239.75,19.39,392.85');
  animation: move 2.1s linear forwards infinite;

@keyframes move {
  100% {
    offset-distance: 100%;

If anyone can provide insight on how to properly animate the polygon along the same path as the path element, it would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

The arrow's rotation and position are determined by the offset-path.

Whether using css offset-path or svg SMIL <mpath>, your animated element should point towards the x/y origin of your svg, as shown below:

Your arrow is already positioned on the path – the browser will add the current x/y values to the coordinates along your motion path.
In this scenario: your arrow disappears due to large offsets. (see left example.)

.wrp {
  padding: 1em;
  //border: 1px solid #ccc;
  display: inline-block;

svg {
  display: inline-block;
  width: 10em;
  overflow: visible;
  border: 1px solid #ccc;

.motionPath {
  stroke: #000;
  stroke-dasharray: 0 100;
  animation: dash 2s linear forwards infinite;

.arrow {
  offset-distance: 0%;
  offset-path: path('M240.66,2C11.72,114.98-26.67,239.75,19.39,392.85');
  animation: move 2s linear forwards infinite;

polygon {
  offset-distance: 0%;
  offset-path: path('M240.66,2C11.72,114.98-26.67,239.75,19.39,392.85');
  animation: move 2s linear forwards infinite;

@keyframes dash {
  to {
    stroke-dasharray: 100 100;

@keyframes move {
  100% {
    offset-distance: 100%;
<div class="wrp">
  <svg id="Layer_1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 242.66 397">
    .cls-1 {
      fill: none;
      stroke: #000;
      stroke-linecap: round;
      stroke-linejoin: bevel;
      stroke-width: 4px;
  <path class="cls-1 motionPath" d="M240.66,2C11.72,114.98-26.67,239.75,19.39,392.85" pathLength="100" />
  <path class="arrow" stroke="red" fill="none" stroke-width="4" d="M-12.5 -12.5 l 12.5 12.5 l-12.5 12.5"></path>


<div class="wrp">
  <svg id="Layer_1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 242.66 397">
  <path class="cls-1 motionPath" d="M240.66,2C11.72,114.98-26.67,239.75,19.39,392.85" pathLength="100"/>
  <polygon fill="red" style="transform:translate(-25px, -300px)" points="0 384.74 2.04 381.29 19 391.37 27.81 373.72 31.39 375.51 20.65 397 0 384.74"/>

I have substituted your arrow with another <path> element, but you can adjust the original arrow polygon in an editor like Inkscape to get the correct coordinates and rotation.

You must also specify a pathLength or calculate the exact pathLength using JS like path.getTotalLength()

Otherwise, you won't be able to synchronize your stroke animation with the arrow's movement.

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