Customizing Material-UI elements in React using CSS styling

My goal is to style all the <Chip> elements within a <Grid> that has the class .table-header, but they are not changing their style (I have a <p> that should be colored in red and it works). Why does the styling work for the <p> element but not for the <Chip>? I want to achieve this without adding the same class to each individual <Chip>.

I am using MUI v5.11.4.

Here is a portion of the tsx code:

<Grid className={classes['table-header']}>
  <Grid item xs={1} />
  <Grid item xs={2}>
    <Chip avatar={<Avatar>1</Avatar>} label="Element1" />
    <p>Red text</p>
  <Grid item xs={4}>
    <Chip avatar={<Avatar>2</Avatar>} label="Element2" />
  <Grid item xs={5} />

And here is the module.css code:

.table-header Chip {
  width: 100%;

.table-header p {
  color: red;


Answer №1

To ensure your selectors are set up correctly, follow these steps to style the component for the Chip:

// Import styled components
import { styled } from "@mui/system";

// Create the styled component for the Chip
const StyledChip = styled(Chip)({
    "& .MuiChip-label": {
      color: "red"

// Implement it in your code like this example:
<StyledChip avatar={<Avatar>1</Avatar>} label="Element1" />

Check out the live demo of your solution on codesandbox.

UPDATE: If you prefer not to use styled components, you can achieve the same result with this CSS selector:

.table-header :global .MuiChip-label {
  color: red;

Make sure to denote the MuiChip-label class as :global.

See the alternative solution in action on codesandbox.

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