The utilization of CSS variables within intricate properties

Imagine having a CSS property called box-shadow:

box-shadow: 5px 5px 0 #ccc;

What if there is a need to create a variable from the color #ccc? While in SCSS, you could accomplish this with code like:

$grey: #ccc;

.element {
  box-shadow: 5px 5px 0 $grey;

However, it doesn't seem to work with regular CSS variables. Could there be a missing piece that I am not aware of?

Answer №1

CSS Variables are a feature that is currently in the experimental stage and may not be supported across all browsers (no support for IE, Edge is being considered, Firefox and latest versions of Chrome are compatible). For more information, please visit:

// example of declaring a variable
.element {
  --variable: #ccc;
// using a variable
.other-element {
  box-shadow: 0 2px 3px var(--variable);

For additional details, check out:

Answer №2

Fellas, I understand this may be a new addition, but we can't deem it experimental since it's already incorporated into the stable version of Chrome.

In my situation, I managed to find a resolution. I simply reutilized that color in another variable and then applied it to an actual property. Let me demonstrate with an example:

:root {
    --focus-input-color: #6db3fd;
    --box-shadow-focus: 3px 3px 0 var(--focus-input-color),
                        -3px -3px 0 var(--focus-input-color),
                        -3px 3px 0 var(--focus-input-color),
                        3px -3px 0 var(--focus-input-color);
.element {
    box-shadow: var(--box-shadow-focus);

I'm uncertain as to why this method works while directly using --box-shadow-focus in a property doesn't yield the same results, but that's the current behavior in Chrome 49.

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