The navigation pills in Bootstrap 5 are experiencing functionality issues

Hey everyone, I'm currently tackling a new project and running into an issue with Bootstrap 5 nav pills. I need them to toggle between column and grid view, but they aren't behaving as expected (content displays fine on the first pill, but nothing happens when clicking the second).

I've experimented with various versions of Nav Tabs from the documentation page, but unfortunately, none have resolved the issue.

Answer №1

My Solution Discovery:

After extensive researching and testing various methods, I stumbled upon a helpful YouTube tutorial focused on Nav Pills. The root of my issue was pinpointed to the specific version of the CDN I had incorporated.

Initially, my code contained the 4.1.3/js/bootstrap.min.js version of the CDN, which conflicted with the 5.3.0 documentation I was utilizing.

Ultimately, swapping it out for the

CDN rectified the problem at hand.

P.S: Uncertain if the distinction between the minified and bundled versions play a significant role. Hopefully, this solution proves beneficial to you as well!

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