What is the best way to split the children of a parent div into four distinct styling regions using the nth-child selector?

Imagine having a square parent container with 100 child elements of equal sizes, as illustrated below.

How can you use the :nth-child selector to target and style the children in the top-left, bottom-left, top-right, and bottom-right corners separately?

For example, selecting children 1-5, then 11-15, 21-25, 31-35, 41-45, and applying a red background to them.

This is my current approach, which currently only divides it into two sections, but I aim to divide it into four:

.children:nth-child(n+1):nth-last-child(n+51) {
  background-color: red;
.children:nth-child(n+51) {
  background-color: blue;

Answer №1

Optimize your CSS grid layout with the "intersection" of selection and "sets":

.children {
  display: grid;
  place-items: center;
  width: 2rem;
  height: 2rem;
  border: 1px solid gray;

  /* Column 1 */
  :nth-child(10n + 1),
  /* Column 2 */
  :nth-child(10n + 2),
  /* Column 3 */
  :nth-child(10n + 3),
  /* Column 4 */
  :nth-child(10n + 4),
  /* Column 5 */
  :nth-child(10n + 5)
):nth-child(-n + 45) /* Selecting elements up to 45 */ { 
  background-color: red;

  :nth-child(10n + 1),
  :nth-child(10n + 2),
  :nth-child(10n + 3),
  :nth-child(10n + 4),
  :nth-child(10n + 5)
):nth-child(n + 46) /* Optimal styling for elements starting from 46 */ {
  background-color: slateblue;

  /* Column 6 */
  :nth-child(10n + 6),
  /* Column 7 */
  :nth-child(10n + 7),
  /* Column 8 */
  :nth-child(10n + 8),
  /* Column 9 */
  :nth-child(10n + 9),
  /* Column 10 */
):nth-child(-n + 50) /* Proper alignment for elements within first 50 */ {
  background-color: lime;

  :nth-child(10n + 6),
  :nth-child(10n + 7),
  :nth-child(10n + 8),
  :nth-child(10n + 9),
):nth-child(n + 51) /* Enhanced styling for elements beyond 51 */ {
  background-color: aqua;
<div style="display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(10, auto); grid-template-rows: repeat(10, auto); width: max-content; border: 1px solid gray">
  <div class="children">1</div>
  <div class="children">2</div>
  <div class="children">3</div>
  <div class="children">4</div>
  <div class="children">5</div>
  <div class="children">6</div>
  <div class="children">7</div>
  <div class="children">8</div>
  <div class="children">9</div>
  <div class="children">10</div>
  <!-- Additional repeating pattern code for illustration -->

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