What is the process for updating the background image in Ionic?

Currently facing an issue with setting an image for background in Ionic. The code provided doesn't seem to be working as expected. It appears that the style sheet is not being applied correctly. Not sure where exactly to add the style sheet or how to identify the error. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

<ion-side-menus enable-menu-with-back-views="false" style="background: url('../img/background.jpg');background-size: 100% 100%;background-repeat: no-repeat;color: #EF4836;">
        <ion-nav-bar class="bar bar-header ionBarM " align-title="center">
            <ion-nav-back-button style="color: white">
            <ion-nav-buttons side="right">
                <button class="button button-icon button-clear button-light ion-navicon custom-icon" menu-toggle="right" style=" color: white;">
        <div class="bar bar-subheader ionSubBar ">
            <div class="button-bar">
        <ion-content class="has-subheader" style="background: url('../img/background.jpg');background-size: 100% 100%;background-repeat: no-repeat;color: #EF4836;">
            <ion-refresher .... </ion-refresher>
                    <div class="list list-inset" data-ng-repeat="announcement in announcements">
                        <a class="item item-thumbnail-left" ui-sref="app.shop({id:announcement.id})" ng-click="showshop({{$index}})">

Answer №1

Here is a recommended approach:


 /*Adding Background Image for App*/

 ion-view {
     background-image:url("../img/background.jpg") !important;

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