Using the CSS selector :contains() does not function properly when there are line breaks present

<div>A very lengthy 
text that goes on and on</div>

When rendered,

A very lengthy text that goes on and on
will appear as HTML removes the line breaks.

However, locating the div using the :contains() CSS selector is challenging due to the line break:

// Returns an empty array
$(':contains("A very lengthy text that goes on and on")');

Is there a method to select the div content while disregarding the line break?

Note: Without adding the line break in the selector, I aim to choose the div without prior knowledge of the presence of a line break (as it's based on what the user sees, who might not be aware of the line break).

Answer №1

If you're looking to customize the behavior of the :contains selector, you can do so by overriding it with a new function like this:

$.expr[":"].contains = $.expr.createPseudo(function(arg) {
    return function( elem ) {
        return $(elem).text().replace(/(\n)+/g, " ").indexOf(arg) >= 0;

Check out this Fiddle for an example.

This method allows you to keep your existing code intact and simply add in this snippet. However, it's typically not recommended as best practice. You could also rename the custom selector if desired:


Another example is available in this different Fiddle.

Answer №2

The idea is quite inefficient and so is my response:

$("article").each(function () {
    if ($(this).text().replace(/(\n)+/g, " ") == "A really long text here") {
        // Take action
        $(this).css({color: 'blue'});

Keep in mind that the browser interprets a series of whitespace characters as a single space. It might be wise to reconsider your approach.

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