Position tables on the right side of adjacent tables

  • There are two tables named id="BFCategories" and "BMICategories".

  • Additionally, there are two other tables with id="BFTable" and "BMITable"

  • BFCategories should come after BFTable, while BMICategories should follow BMITable.

How can I adjust the positioning of BFCategories and BMICategories to be aligned on the right side of BFTable and BMITable? Picture reference:


This HTML code pertains to my current view under asp.net MVC5 :

<hr />


    <table id="BMITable">
            <td align="right"><b>Weight:</b></td>
            <td align="left"><div class="col-xs-5"><input type="text" name="Weight" class="form-control" id="Weight" /></div><b>kg</b></td>
      <p>(valid data within the form)</p>

    <table id="BMICategories">
      	<p>(specific category information)</p>

    <h2>BF% (approximate)</h2>


    <table id="BFTable">
        &(information regarding gender specifics)

           <p>(measurement details for BF % calculation)</p>




  	<table class="cinfoT" width="320" align="left" id="BFCategories">
  		 <tr><td class="cinfoHd"><b>Description</b></td><...



Answer №1

If you're unsure about how to use the bootstrap code, take a look at the bootstrap documentation. Understanding this will greatly enhance your design work in the future.

table {
  width: 50%;
  float: left;
    <hr />


        <table id="BMITable">

                <td align="right"><b>Weight:</b></td>
                <td align="left"><input type="text" name="Weight" class="form-control" id="Weight" /><b>kg</b></td>
                <td align="right"><b>Height:</b></td>
                <td align="left"><input type="text" name="Height" class="form-control" id="Height" /><b>cm</b></td>
                <td align="right"><b>BMI:</b></td>
                <td align="left"><input type="text" name="BMI" class="form-control" id="BMIBox" /></td>
            <td colspan='2'>
            <input type="button" value="Calculate" class="btn btn-default" id="CalculateBMI" /></td>

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