In Firefox, the image width may vary compared to the one that was originally inserted

Greetings to all! I have encountered an issue while using jcrop with Firefox as my browser. It seems that the image size does not match the actual dimensions, allow me to elaborate.

The image appears to be 20% larger than its displayed size, despite being specified as 768 pixels wide in the code below:

Answer №1

Seems as though your browser is currently zoomed in at 120% of its original size. To return to the default 100%, simply press Ctrl-0. If this is not the issue, please inspect the style of any parent elements for "zoom: 1.2" or "transform: scale(1.2)".

Answer №2

update 2: I have successfully developed a basic HTML page

<IMG src="1.jpg" style="width:423px;height:auto;">

Here is the outcome:

Visit the image here

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