Adding a CSS style to specific sections of a string that is quoted in a Razor ASP.NET file

Is it possible to format a specific part of a string? I'm trying to only stylize the word within quotation marks.

This is my cshtml code:

            <div class="h-44 overflow-auto text-left mx-4 mb-4">
                <p id="countError" class=" main-text-color mb-2 w-[70%] font-semibold">@Model.ToString().Replace("|", " ")</p>
                <p class="main-text-color">The following errors occurred:</p>

                @foreach (var error in Model.Errors)
                    var errors = error.Split(Environment.NewLine);
                    bool firstLine = true;

                    foreach (var item in errors)
                        if (firstLine)
                            <p class="leading-8 text-red-500 font-spec-bold">
                            firstLine = false;
                            <p id="teste" class=" leading-8 main-text-color ">


Here's an example of what I'm looking for:

The original string is like this:

I want to emphasize this "WORD" with bold styling.

I'd like it to look like this:

I want to emphasize this "WORD" with bold styling.

Thank you!

I couldn't find a similar example here, but any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

It is important to enclose the word in {} tags, like this: I want to display {WORD} in italics.

You can then replace { with <i>, and } with </i>:

@Html.Raw(item.Replace("{", "<i>").Replace("}", "</i>"))


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