CSS: How to target a specific element using its ID with nth-child selector?

Here is the HTML code that I am working with:

<dl id="id">

I am trying to select the third dd element, but I can't seem to get it right. This is the CSS code I have attempted:

dl#id dd:nth-child(3) {  
     color: yellow;

However, the style isn't being applied. Can anyone point out what I am doing wrong?

Thank you!

Answer №1

The third child of the element with the ID of "id" is actually the <dt>test1</dt>, so the selector does not match anything.

A more suitable option would be to utilize the :nth-of-type selector like this:

dl#id dd:nth-of-type(3)

You can also make use of the consistent HTML structure (pairs of <dt>/<dd>) and simply use dl#id :nth-child(6), but in this scenario, it's unnecessary (browser support is similar for both selectors).

Answer №2

Another way to achieve this is by utilizing jQuery:

$("ul#identifier li")

This code snippet selects all the li elements within the ul. By specifying an index, you can target a specific element For instance, to select the second element:

$("ul#identifier li").eq(1)

You can then apply a CSS style to it:

$("ul#identifier li").eq(1).css("background-color", "green")

I trust this explanation helps clarify your query

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