<v-time-picker> - issue with time selection

<v-time-picker> - Are you certain that the component was properly registered? If dealing with recursive components, remember to include the "name" option

<div class="form-inline">
    <label for="">Time</label>



I'm only interested in obtaining the time picker. How should I address this situation?

Answer №1

This is the Vuetify code snippet for implementing a time picker component

<v-time-picker v-model="time" header-color="primary"></v-time-picker>

Ensure that you set up the v-model in your JavaScript file as well. The variable in your script can be either null or a string, and it can be utilized in various functions.

In your JavaScript file, it should be structured like this:

data: {
   time: '' // this is the recommended way to initialize the variable, but you can also use time: null

Answer №2

If you are receiving an error message, it could be because the component has not been properly imported into your file. One way to resolve this issue is by globally adding vuetify to your project. To address this problem, simply insert the following line into your main.js/index.js file:

import Vuetify from 'vuetify';
// ...other import statements


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