"Discrepancy in Alignment of Bootstrap's Dual Column Layout

Currently, I am in the process of designing a straightforward two-column layout. This layout will consist of one prominent image at the top followed by two columns underneath - one for images and the other for text.


However, I am encountering difficulties aligning the image column with the large image at the top. While I can apply a class with a -15px margin to adjust it, this causes misalignment on XS screen sizes.


If I decide to add another -15px margin specifically for XS screens, I then encounter issues that need fixing elsewhere. This seems like such a basic layout problem, leading me to believe that I may be making an error somewhere.

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or guidance on what I might be doing incorrectly and how I should go about creating a two-column layout using Bootstrap 3?

For reference, here is the Bootply Link

Answer №1

The issue arises from the <div class="col-sm-12"> located in the lower box. There are two solutions available:

  1. Remove the div entirely
  2. Insert an extra <div class="row"> following the <div class="col-sm-12">

In this case, a nested grid was inadvertently created, violating Bootstrap's requirement of starting each new nesting level with a fresh <div class="row">

Reference: http://www.bootply.com/sh13QUw39Z

Answer №2

It's crucial to follow proper nesting when organizing columns in Bootstrap, as suggested by @bspellmeyer.


The grid system operates through a container, followed by a row and one or more columns...

A 15px padding is allocated to the container, which the row counteracts with -15px of margin. Moreover, columns adopt a 15px padding that positions the content away from the container edges and establishes a uniform 30px gutter.

The concept of having 15px padding offset solely by negative row margins may seem peculiar, but it's actually fundamental for accommodating nested columns within other columns! Refer to the visual representation below depicting how nested columns, outlined in red, seamlessly fit inside their containing column without extra padding being added.

Rest assured, once this understanding solidifies, effortlessly controlling the grid layout exactly as desired will become second nature.

Answer №3

Make sure to include the following code:

.custom-left {    
    padding: 0;

within your .custom-left class. Also, consider adding the same code to your .custom-right class if you want the div to align with the top image as well.

Check out the updated Bootply: http://www.bootply.com/iQYEpYqXJZ

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