Automatically integrating Nivo Lightbox into your website

I incorporated Nivo Lightbox into my website, seamlessly integrating all images with the plugin using the following code:

<div class="portfolio-item">
<div class="portfolio-thumb ">
<a class="lightbox" data-lightbox-type="ajax" title="Strategic Planning Tahun Buku 2016 - 2020" href="{{ asset('images/tentang_cu.jpg') }}">
    <div class="thumb-overlay"><i class="fa fa-arrows-alt"></i></div>
    <img src=""
         data-src="{{ asset('images/tentang_cu.jpg') }}" width="800" height="450">

In addition to this, I applied CSS styling to create an image masking effect that hints at Nivo Lightbox functionality.

My query is as follows:

Within my article view, I utilize a text editor with Summernote and sometimes incorporate images. How can I automatically embed these images with the corresponding HTML and styling for Nivo Lightbox? Is there a way to include

<div class="portfolio-item">
etc., in order to maintain consistency across all images on my site?

This uniform approach ensures that all images are accessible through Nivo Lightbox.

Answer №1

As a plugin for WordPress, it is important to create galleries within the platform and then reference them by their names, as seen below:

Quoting from the provided source:

Setting up Galleries

Nivo Lightbox defaults to displaying individual items. To form a gallery with previous/next navigation, you must add a data-lightbox-gallery attribute to your links. For instance:

<a href="image1_large.jpg" data-lightbox-gallery="gallery1">
    <img src="image1_thumb.jpg" alt="" /> </a> <a href="image2_large.jpg" data-lightbox-gallery="gallery1">
    <img src="image2_thumb.jpg" alt="" /> </a> <a href="image3_large.jpg" data-lightbox-gallery="gallery1">
    <img src="image3_thumb.jpg" alt="" /> </a>

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