How can you utilize jQuery to eliminate specific select field values from the DOM prior to submission?

I am currently working on a Squarespace form that utilizes jQuery to show/hide specific fields in order to create a customized form using the show(); and hide(); functions.

$(".option2 select").hide();

The issue I am facing is that simply hiding the fields does not remove them from the DOM, resulting in hidden fields still being submitted in the Squarespace email.

$(".option2 select").remove();

Although using remove(); successfully eliminates the select field from the DOM and prevents it from being included in the form submission, this action is irreversible and breaks the entire form.

Is there a way to execute remove(); on certain elements right before the submit button is pressed to permanently erase them from the DOM prior to actual form submission?

Edit: To clarify, since this project is based on Squarespace, utilizing onSubmit proves challenging due to existing components. Therefore, I am seeking a jQuery-exclusive solution that does not involve modifying any of the HTML directly.

Answer №1

To prevent default actions from submitting, start by utilizing the following steps: Firstly, stop the default submission action. Next, eliminate the specific field you wish to remove. Lastly, proceed with submitting your form.

         // If you want to submit your form after removing specified fields

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