In JavaScript, you can update the class named "active" to become the active attribute for a link

My current menu uses superfish, but it lacks an active class to highlight the current page tab. To rectify this, I implemented the following JavaScript code.

<script type="text/javascript">
var path = window.location.pathname.split('/');
path = path[path.length-1];
if (path !== undefined) {
    .find("a[href$='" + path + "']")

Additionally, I created a CSS class named active for the script to utilize.

   height: 51px; 
   padding-top: 15px;
   z-index: 100;

The implementation worked well, but now I am considering changing the CSS from to a:active

How can I adjust this part in the JavaScript to align with the new CSS style?


Answer №1

It's not possible to apply a pseudo-class to an element using JavaScript, just like you can't add a pseudo-class within an inline style='' attribute.

One way to achieve this is by modifying your stylesheet with JavaScript to include the desired rule:

document.styleSheets[0].insertRule('a:active { color: red; }'
, 0);

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