Using Jquery to set values for css properties

I've recently started using jquery and I have a task related to a drop-down menu that I'm struggling with:

if (scrnwidth <= 761) {
        if (display was block) {
            //Defaultly testi has display:none property.
            testi = make testi display
            return false;

I haven't been able to get this task to work properly. How can I add CSS properties? I have checked for errors in the code but couldn't find any issues. Here's what I have so far:

jQuery('.menu_toggler').click(function () {
    var scrnwidth = jQuery(window).width();
    var display = jQuery('.mobile_menu_wrapperr');
    var testi = jQuery('.main_header');
    if (scrnwidth <= 761) {
        if (display.css("display") === "block") {
            testi = testi.css("display" == "none");
            return false;

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

If you want a div to appear, simply use the following code:


To hide a div, execute:


And for toggling between show and hide, try this:


Answer №2

Your method of concealing the element is slightly incorrect, make sure you provide the rule and value as separate parameters:

testi.css("display", "none");
// or testi.hide()

However, I would recommend avoiding JavaScript for this task and opt for CSS media queries instead:

.main_header {
  display: block;

@media (max-width: 760px) {
  .main_header {
    display: none;

Answer №3

There is a mistake in the syntax

 var element = testi.css("visibility" == "hidden");

The correct syntax should be

 var element = testi.css("visibility","hidden");



Answer №4

Perhaps jquery isn't necessary...

document.querySelector('#element').style.visibility = 'visible' // 'hidden'

Answer №5

jQuery('.menu_toggler').click(function () {
    var windowSize = jQuery(window).width();
    var menuWrapper = jQuery('.mobile_menu_wrapperr');
    var header = jQuery('.main_header');
    if (windowSize <= 761) {
        if (menuWrapper.attr("style")=="display:block") {
            header = header.attr("style","display:none;");
            return false;

Answer №6

Fix the Syntax :

jQuery('.menu_toggle').on('click', function () {

    var screenWidth = jQuery(window).width();
    var display = jQuery('.mobile_menu_wrapper');
    var header = jQuery('.main_header');
    if (screenWidth <= 761) {
        if (display.css("display") === "block") {
            header.css("display", "none");
        } else {
            return false;

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