Expand the accordion to reveal all the content

I'm facing an issue with my accordion where a scrollbar appears in every content section. To fix this, I tried setting overflow: hidden in the CSS:

.ui-accordion .ui-accordion-content {  
    padding: 1em 2.2em;
    border-top: 0;

    overflow: hidden;

After making this change, the scroll-bar disappears as desired. However, now I'm unable to view text that extends beyond the visible area due to the lack of a scrollbar. Is there a way for the accordion content space to automatically adjust based on the length of the text? Currently, it feels like there's a fixed amount of space allocated. When there's less text, there's excess margin at the bottom, and when there's too much text, only a portion is visible.

Answer №1

Here is the recommended code snippet:


make sure to include heightStyle:"content" in your code

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