When using CSS3 flex, the input box has a specified width but is still overflowing

Can anyone provide some insight into the behavior of this particular jsFiddle? http://jsfiddle.net/zZgmn/1/

I am attempting to set a specific width for an input[type=text] box. However, when the flex-direction is set to row, the input box refuses to adjust its size.

Interestingly, if you change the flex-direction to column, you will notice that the text box does adjust to the specified width.

My assumption was that without setting a specific width, the text box would dynamically adjust based on its content. Unfortunately, this does not seem to be the case.

I feel like I must be overlooking something important here.

I have experimented with various options, but the one that seems most suitable for setting the width is -webkit-flex:0 0 32px;. However, it doesn't appear to make any difference.


The image below displays the rendered input box, which is not 5px wide as expected.

This image illustrates the parent's flex area where the input box should fit.

Answer №1


In order to adjust the size of your input box, you will need to specify the desired size using the following code:

<input type="text" size="6" />

I trust this explanation proves useful for somebody.

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