Subclass Pseudoclass in JavaFX is a powerful feature that

I wanted to create two different styles of buttons in one css file. To achieve this, I added a class to the second button using:


Now, I can reference this button in the css by:


However, I am unsure how to reference pseudo-classes of the button when using the .close-button class.

I attempted to access it with:




Unfortunately, neither of these methods seem to work. Is there a way to accomplish this or do I need to create my own pseudo-classes for the .close-button class and manage them within listeners in the code?

The button creation process involves:

Button close = new Button("X");
close.setOnAction((event) -> {

The button is then added to the layout as follows: HBox hbox = new HBox(rbSelect, label, pane, close);

My css styling is defined as:

.button {

.button.close-button {
   -fx-background-color: #E81123;

.button:selected.close-button {
   -fx-background-color: greenyellow;

The button appears like this:

When clicked on, it should change color to greenyellow, but currently nothing happens.

Answer №1

It may not be absolutely necessary, but typically the pseudo-class selector is placed after the class selectors in CSS:

.button.close-button:selected {
   -fx-background-color: greenyellow;

However, it's worth noting that there isn't a selected pseudo-class for regular Button elements. This pseudo-class is available for CheckBox and ToggleButton, but not for standard Buttons. Instead, you can use the :pressed and :hover pseudo-classes, as detailed in the CSS reference.

If needed, you can create your own custom pseudo-class in JavaFX 8:

PseudoClass selected = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("selected");

close.setOnAction((event) -> {
    close.pseudoClassStateChanged(selected, true);

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