Styling web pages with CSS and utilizing ASP.NET controls

It has come to my attention that when trying to add the 'style' attribute to an asp:TextBox control, or when trying to use a css class to apply a style, it does not seem to work. I find that I have to explicitly set the attribute like this:

 <asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="DescriptionTextBox" BackColor="#F7FCFF" /> // This works

 <asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="DescriptionTextBox" CssClass="textbox" />  // This doesn't work
 <style type="text/css">
     background-color: #F7FCFF;

Although this may be a straightforward question, I would appreciate it if someone could provide some clarity on this matter for me.

Thank you

Answer №1

Don't stress too much about the complexities of an asp control. Essentially, it simply creates HTML, which is then styled using CSS.

While your second example using CssClass should function correctly, it's important to focus on checking the HTML code rather than solely relying on the aspx file for debugging. Utilizing developer tools like Firebug in your browser will help you identify the applied styles.

Answer №2

It is likely that the text box control creates a style attribute with a background color, or it may be utilizing a more targeted CSS rule.

Examine the generated HTML code and utilize FireBug to determine which CSS rules are being implemented or overridden.

Answer №3

Ensure your style sheet is linked correctly by placing it between the head tags. If you prefer inline styles, make sure they are also within the head section.

<link href="StyleSheet.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />


<style type="text/css">
      background-color: #F7FCFF;

Remember that HTML does not have a TextBox control, so if you are using a CssClass, make sure it aligns with the properties you want. Also, ensure the style is correctly placed within the head section as shown in the second code block.

I hope this explanation is helpful.


Answer №4

To change the background color of DescriptionTextBox in the code behind, you can use"background-color", "#fff").

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