Java and Selenium: Struggling to Find Element based on Attribute

Attempting to click a button on a webpage with the given HTML code:

<html lang="en" webdriver="true">
<body class="scbody" style="background-image: url("... // The shared code

<p>The crucial portion of the code is this:</p>

<pre><code> <a class="action actionLink" aria-describedby="141494853656_title" aria-label="Remove" href="" data-irefid="8460053414">Remove</a>
    <span class="mr10 ml10 linkClr">|</span>
    <a class="action actionLink" aria-describedby="141494853656_title" aria-label="Save for later" href="" data-irefid="8460053414">Save for later</a>

I considered using the aria-describeby attribute to dynamically store an item for later like so:

".//*[@aria-describedby=" + "'" + itemID + "_title']/div[2]/div/div/a[2]"

However, it's not functioning as expected. Where am I going wrong?

Keep in mind that there could be multiple items and identifying a specific one solely relies on the itemID since other attributes are generated dynamically.

Thank you

Answer №1

Personally, I believe that relying too heavily on xpath can lead to inefficient coding practices. Instead, consider utilizing cssSelector for better results:


If you need to locate an element by its attribute, a more effective approach would be something along these lines:


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