Styling the button in jQuery to switch between disabled and enabled

I'm currently working on creating a disabled/enable button style using jQuery.

You can check out my demonstration page on Codepen for reference.

In the demo, you'll notice a blue submit button. When you input text into the field, the button becomes active.

I'd like to implement a feature where the button turns red when disabled and blue when enabled.

I've created CSS styles for .enableOnInput and .red.

.enableOnInput {
  /* CSS properties */
.red {
  /* CSS properties */

Below is the jQuery code for enabling/disabling the button:

     $('#searchInput, #searchInput2').keyup(function(){
          if ($(this).val() == '') { 
               // Disable the button if no text is entered
               $('.enableOnInput').attr('disabled', 'true');
          } else {
               // Enable the button if there is text
               $('.enableOnInput').attr('disabled', false);

Answer №1

Include the following CSS declaration:

  background-color: blue;
  /*additional style attributes*/

Answer №2

To easily toggle classes, you can utilize the addClass/removeClass methods.

 $('#searchInput, #searchInput2').keyup(function(){
      if ($(this).val() == '') { //Verify if there is text entered
           //If no text in input, disable button and add 'red' class
           $('.enableOnInput').prop('disabled', true).addClass('red');
      } else {
           //Enable button if text present, remove 'red' class
           $('.enableOnInput').prop('disabled', false).removeClass('red');

I've also included a trigger for the keyup event to check initial state and apply the correct class.

Update: Another suggestion from @Terry in the comments is to change the CSS selector from .red to .enableOnInput:disabled, using just

$('.enableOnInput').prop('disabled', true)
. Keep in mind that this won't work on IE8 and earlier versions.

See it in action here:

Answer №3

Add a touch of elegance by adding the red class to your button

<input type='submit' name='submit' id='submitBtn' class='enableOnInput red' disabled='disabled' />

Enhance the style with this CSS rule:


Update your JavaScript code as follows:

     $('#searchInput, #searchInput2').keyup(function(){
          if ($(this).val() == '') { //Check for empty input
               //Disable the button when no text is entered
               $('.enableOnInput').attr('disabled', 'true');
          } else {
               //Enable the button when there is text in the input
               $('.enableOnInput').attr('disabled', false);

For more inspiration, visit the Updated Link

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