How can I create a unique visual effect on the background in frontend development using chipped design techniques?

Creating a static website utilizing React.


I am looking to incorporate a visual effect into the website pages, similar to the one demonstrated below.

visual effect

The goal is to design a rectangular background with triangles cut out from it (ensuring at least two vertices of the triangle lie on the edge before cutting), creating a pattern like the shaded area in the image.

These cut-out triangles should then float randomly around the page.

In addition, I want the content section in the middle, also a rectangle, to remain intact without any cuts (only the outer padding should be affected).

Existing Efforts

I have experimented with generating the vertex coordinates for the polygons post-cutting and the triangles, then styling them using css clip-path and animation. However, developing a practical algorithm for vertex generation has proven challenging.

Answer №1

You've probably experimented with the clip-path generator, only to discover that it doesn't always function as desired across various screens. Unfortunately, there isn't a perfect algorithm for generating vertices in this case. One solution could be to manually perform some trial and error calculations. If you notice your polygons look great on one screen but distorted on another, consider utilizing media queries.

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