How to customize the color of md-radio-button in Angular?

I've been trying to customize the color of my radio buttons, but I haven't had much luck. Here are a couple of examples I attempted:

Example 1


<md-radio-button class"radio-button"> yes <md-radio-button>


.radio-button md-radio-button , ._md-on{
   background-color: blue;

Example 2

HTML (same as above)

CSS .md-on, .md-on{
background-color: blue;

I'm simply looking to change the color of the radio buttons, but none of these methods seem to be working for me. Should I be adjusting the color of the mat-radio-inner-circle instead? If so, how can I do that?

Answer №1

Here is a code snippet for you to try out. Feel free to customize the color inside rgba() as needed!;[disabled]).md-primary .md-on, md-radio-button:not([disabled]).md-primary .md-on,[disabled]) .md-primary .md-on, md-radio-button:not([disabled]) .md-primary .md-on,[disabled]).md-primary .md-on, md-radio-group:not([disabled]).md-primary .md-on,[disabled]) .md-primary .md-on, md-radio-group:not([disabled]) .md-primary .md-on {
background-color: rgba(16,108,200,0.87) !important; }

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